Friday, March 02, 2007 Metaphysical Weirdness

The past 2 days have been a bit odd in my neighborhood. Night before last, I was outside talking to a neighbor when a girl from another street came up to us in a panic. She had lost her cat & was frantically searching for it. I decided to help her out & walked the neighborhood for about an hour calling out for this missing kitty. Then I met the girl's mom. She was just as worried. I told her that I know how she feels, having lost a cat last year. She then proceeded to tell me that she had just called some friends who have a link to the "psychic realm" and that they are envisioning the cat outside, but very near the house. At this point I figure that they don't need my help any longer since apparently Dionne Warwick & Miss Cleo are on the case. I went back into the safety of my house to tell Craig about the psychic realm incident.
Then the next day, I have landscaping contractors working in the yard. Craig's mom had forwarned me about the oddness of one of the contractors. So I finally meet him & he's even weirder than I was told. He rambles & mumbles incoherently while talking to you & also when he's alone. As he is explaining the work he is doing he tells me that he is envisioning the yard project through his "third eye." He repeated this about 4 or 5 times & then began to ramble incoherently again. Once again I just went back into the safety of my house.
Now I'm just waiting to see what other metaphysical weirdness is lurking around the corner.