I also found another geocacher's Trout-About travel bug which I'll be placing in another great caching location soon.
Here's a couple pics of the park during the day:
Just before dusk on Saturday we went for another hike on the park's interpretive trail. The terrain was much more fun since it had hills, bridges & creeks all along the winding trail. The park had recently performed a prescribed burn in this area, leaving the ground charred with downed trees lying about. It actually looked kind of creepy with nightfall approaching, making it seem like a haunted forest. By the time we were reaching the end of the trail it was getting pretty dark. About that time we started hearing the strangest noises coming from not too far away. It sounded like some sort of strange monkey-bird-cat creatures howling at us:
Here are some pics of the interpretive trail before it got dark...
We saw a nest of webworms while walking this trail...
A night pic of the camper...
Here's Craig in the puppy playpen...
Xochitl playing in the camper...
We also made this silly F13 video while out on the dusk hike:
During the trip, there was one odd thing that happened. While we were packing up on Sunday, a man, who for the purposes of this blog I've named Zeke, came by walking his chihuahua. Zeke must have been around 60, was very nice, very hick, & had maybe 3 or 4 teeth left in his entire head. He stopped & said hello, then asked if Xochitl is a chihuahua. I explained that she's an Italian Greyhound & told him that I do have a chihuahua that is at home. Zeke introduced me to his dog, tritely named "Taco Bell." He was so cute & friendly as I was petting him. That's when Zeke said "I don't know how to say this, but you must have the taco in you because he usually barks at everybody he meets." I knew what he meant, but was still kind of taken off guard by the statement. I've got the taco in me??? Hmmmm..... You always meet the fanciest characters when camping around Texas.