Saturday, April 11, 2009 So Exquisite - Blood Mountain

Rhythmic in my timing, blinded by the shining, enlightened by the rhyming, so exquisite was my mind. 

All the devils tricks, leaves my feelings in conflicts, I struggled to exist, so exquisite was my mind. 

No breech of beaches fading, no sea is seen escaping, no piece of peace remaining, so exquisite was my mind.

A Street dark and cobbled, the beats experienced hobbled, my soul began to grovel, so exquisite was my mind

The fight of dark embraces, a spark of sight amazes, so bright it arcs my gazes, so exquisite was my mind. 

Confusion of words entangled, silent thoughts mangled, cautious as I angled, so exquisite was my mind. 

Soothing kisses touching, softly envelope my rushing, quickly stopped the clutching, so exquisite was my mind.

Inside her chest still pulsing, a feeling all engulfing, a heart needing exposing, so exquisite was my mind.

Lost in the oceans, tides stirring the potion, a sharks fin slowly motions, so exquisite was my mind. 

Over mountains sky’s lightning, deserted docks fears frightening, touched by God’s brightening, so exquisite was my mind

Veering into action, strapped into a faction, of warriors sown with deadly traction, so exquisite was my mind.

Every tear you shed, caught in my soul embeds, my time is up a head, so exquisite was my mind.

You never realized love, until it flew high with doves, angel’s wings above, so exquisite was my mind.

Optimistic with hope, how our love has always coped, because of lather from holy soap, so exquisite was my mind

Undying my love for you, for all you’ve done is true, allowed me to follow you, so exquisite is your mind.