Thursday, July 19, 2007 First comes the blood, then come the boys...

Xochitl is going in for her spaying tomorrow. I'm so not looking forward to it, but it's a very good thing to do. It minimizes the chance of mammary cancer in dogs, especially if it is done before their first heat cycle. Plus I really don't want to go through the whole mentrual streaks on the floor or pillows again, like I had with Konichiwawa. I know you're thinking "Mikey, I thought that you like blood?" Well, that would be fake blood, or the occasional non-life threatening wound that is picture worthy. Certainly not dog pussy blood... And like Margaret White said, "First comes the blood, then come the boys... Sniffin like dogs..."

If you want to see what the spay procedure involves, click on the following link:

July 23rd, 2007
Xochitl did just fine. Although, she was about to go into heat, so the vet charged me another "nominal fee." She was really sore the first day & whined a lot because she couldn't get on the bed or couch by herself. The vet sent home some puppy painkiller so she's doing better with that now too. By Sunday she was pretty much back to normal, except the nasty scar & stitches on her belly which will hopefully heal quickly.


nycbabylon said...

Is she a whippet or an IG? She's cute.

CampBlood said...

She's an IG. I'm about to pick her up from the vet. They said she's doing fine....