Thursday, January 11, 2007 Xochitl

We got a new puppy just before Xmas. She is an Italian Greyhound. We named her Xochitl (pronounced "So-cheel") which is an Aztec word for flower. Actually we chose her name from the tortilla chips that we buy. You can check them out here

Here are a few pics of Xochitl from the past 2 weekends when we took her camping...

Here's Craig & Xochitl...
And here's me & Xochitl...

And here's my Min Pin Prosciutto...
And my Chihuahua Konichiwawa doing what she loves best...
One of these days I need to post pics of our 3 cats, Zero, Spook, & Utinsel the Hutt...


tsokolove said...

Dang, that's a lot of cuteness.

nycbabylon said...

I love IGs and that is the cutest puppy!